I am a member of the local Natural History Group and in June, July and August we have outdoor field meetings. This month we explored the local nature reserve, Folly Farm, which is a Victorian building set in a wooded valley.
Our first find was a young grey squirrel which stopped four feet from us and sat looking at us for about half a minute before hopping away into the undergrowth. None of us had our cameras ready, but I took this picture of a grey squirrel outside my front door!
The circular woodland walk of about four kilometres took us through a deciduous forest with grassy meadows full of common orchids, usually pink but this year almost white.
沢山の鳥は見かけませんでしたが、一般によく見かけるブラックバードやグリーンフィンチなどは目に入りました。 いろいろな鳥のさえずりは耳にしたのですが、それらの鳥を見ることはかないませんでした。
There were not many birds about but we spotted a buzzard as well as one or two common species (blackbird, greenfinch etc) We heard a lot of bird-song in the trees but had no sight of them.